1) The quartz-crystal oscillators of a local time service having an average degree of stability can be checked without reducing the frequency of the signal being checked and the standard signal to a single nominal value, thus substantially simplifying the design of the frequency-comparison instrument. 2) By employing a narrow-band quartz-crystal filter tuned to the standard frequency in the signal-amplifying channel it becomes possible to receive on a loop antenna the standard-frequency signals in the long-wave and very-long-wave ranges at distances of three thousand kilometers or more from the transmitting stations, thus making it practical to use these signals over the entire territory of the USSR. 3) An instrument based on the method realized for processing and recording the frequency-error signal of an oscillator being checked with respect to its nominal value makes it possible to determine with a high degree of accuracy the magnitude and sign of this departure over a range of ±25 Hz which is needed in order to find the correction for quartz-crystal oscillators in the various types of instruments involved in the absolute measurements of physical quantities.
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