Plumes can emit from stacks of power plants, refineries and so on. Plume rise depends on multiple factors including stack exit diameter, exhaust gas velocity, effluent temperature, wind speed, lapse rate etc. Increased stack height because of plume rise plays a significant part in reducing ground level concentrations of air pollutants in downwind direction. Various equations have been proposed for prediction of plume rise such as Holland (1953), Rauch (1962), Briggs (1965) etc. In the present paper a plume rise formula was derived from the Rauch (1962) and Lucas-Moore-Spurr (1963) equations. The results revealed that: 1) the derived equation calculated plume rise more accurately than the Stone and Clarke (1967), Lucas-Moore-Spurr (1963) and Csanady (1961) formulas, 2) the derived formula overestimated plume rise by a factor of approximately two and 3) the coefficient of heat emission rate played a key role in calculation of plume rise.
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