AbstractWe extend the results of Hasselblatt and Schmeling [Dimension product structure of hyperbolic sets. Modern Dynamical Systems and Applications. Eds. B. Hasselblatt, M. Brin and Y. Pesin. Cambridge University Press, New York, 2004, pp. 331–345] and of Rams and Simon [Hausdorff and packing measure for solenoids. Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys.23 (2003), 273–292] for $C^{1+\varepsilon }$ hyperbolic, (partially) linear solenoids $\Lambda $ over the circle embedded in $\mathbb {R}^3$ non-conformally attracting in the stable discs $W^s$ direction, to nonlinear solenoids. Under the assumptions of transversality and on the Lyapunov exponents for an appropriate Gibbs measure imposing thinness, as well as the assumption that there is an invariant $C^{1+\varepsilon }$ strong stable foliation, we prove that Hausdorff dimension $\operatorname {\mathrm {HD}}(\Lambda \cap W^s)$ is the same quantity $t_0$ for all $W^s$ and else $\mathrm {HD}(\Lambda )=t_0+1$ . We prove also that for the packing measure, $0<\Pi _{t_0}(\Lambda \cap W^s)<\infty $ , but for Hausdorff measure, $\mathrm {HM}_{t_0}(\Lambda \cap W^s)=0$ for all $W^s$ . Also $0<\Pi _{1+t_0}(\Lambda ) <\infty $ and $\mathrm {HM}_{1+t_0}(\Lambda )=0$ . A technical part says that the holonomy along unstable foliation is locally Lipschitz, except for a set of unstable leaves whose intersection with every $W^s$ has measure $\mathrm {HM}_{t_0}$ equal to 0 and even Hausdorff dimension less than $t_0$ . The latter holds due to a large deviations phenomenon.
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