Soil organic matter (SOM) accumulation is different in certain soil groups with differences in parent material, degree of weathering and mineral composition. These differences are modulated by climatic factors, but also by pedogenesis, in particular by the formation of reactive mineral surfaces, by soil aggregation, as well as by translocation processes such as eluviation and illuviation and different types of turbation. However, there is still a lack of conceptualization of how such processes and thus important Reference Soil Groups influence the composition and properties of OM. Here we summarize the basic processes of OM storage as they differ from soil group to soil group, in order to present a first overview of the processes of OM formation in the different terrestrial soils of the world. We distinguish between soils of different climatic zones, i.e. Cryosols in permafrost regions, soils of limited development (Cambisols), Podzols, Phaeozems, Chernozems, Kastanozems, and Luvisols in temperate climate zones, as well as Acrisols, Ferralsols, Plinthosols and Nitisols in the subtropics and tropics. We also include soils derived from a specific parent material (Andosols, Vertisols), as well as Anthrosols (paddy soils, Terra Preta, plaggen soils) as examples for human-made SOM accumulations. The compilation of the literature shows that research on OM is clearly focused on specific Reference Soil Groups in temperate climate zones and some man-made soils, while other soils such as Nitisols and Acrisols are clearly underrepresented. The contribution of the different soil groups to global organic carbon (OC) stocks varies, with large amounts of OC found for the first metre in Cryosols, Cambisols, and Podzols, due to the large land area they cover, followed by Acrisols and Ferralsols. In part, these differences can be attributed to differences in the formation of SOM, which we ascribe to three main mechanisms. We emphasize that in all major Reference Soil Groups, both the mechanism of sorptive conservation as well as the protection within the aggregates contribute to the storage of OM. However, the reactant partners and aggregate forming agents and therewith the intensity of these stabilisation processes vary among the Reference Soil Groups. As a result, there are differences in the SOM composition in the topsoil. Within the entire soil profile, however, pedogenic processes lead as third mechanism to soil-group-specific accrual of SOM in the subsoil, e.g. by means of illuviation, by cryo-/bio-, and peloturbation, as well as by management. We conclude that the specific pedogenic environment must be considered in the assessment of global SOM storage potentials and thus also in future global C models.
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