The novel object recognition (NOR) test is an efficient way to measure nonspatial memory in rodents. The NOR performance of female and male rats is sexually dimorphic because memory performance is better in the former than in the latter. In females, maternal experience enhances spatial memory. We used the NOR test to evaluate short- and long-term recognition memory in both sexes in the high- and low-yawning sublines of rats (HY and LY, respectively), which were generated via a strict inbreeding process from the Sprague‒Dawley (SD) strain for more than ninety generations. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of maternal experience using nulliparous, primiparous, biparous, and multiparous HY, LY and SD dams. Our results revealed that LY rats presented less thigmotaxis, with lower central square crosses and more vertical exploration in the open-field arena, suggesting that they experienced anxiety. Additionally, LY males performed significantly better than LY females in short- and long-term NOR memory, and LY males performed significantly better than SD rats did. Among females, two maternal experiences negatively affected short-term memory in the LY and HY sublines with respect to primiparous dams, and HY dams had better memory performance in the NOR test than did SD dams. Our findings suggest that the yawning sublines are suitable for studying the neurobiological basis of different memory processes under different endocrine conditions in highly inbred groups of rats.
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