The Part 1 of this paper discussed the determination of the volume ratio of the Static Expansion Primary Vacuum Standard (SES). Part 2 of the paper discusses in detail the use of the SES thus characterized for generating primary pressures. This standard has been used to calibrate Spinning Rotor Gauges (SRGs) at a number of pressures in the range 0.1 Pa to 1 Pa in steps of 0.1 Pa. The Gauge Coefficient at each of these pressures, defined as equal to the ratio of the indicated pressure to the true pressure is then plotted against the true pressure. The resulting straight line plot has a negative slope and its intercept equals the gauge coefficient. Two SRGs, NPL-0 and NPL-2 thus calibrated are used (i) as a device for measuring the pressure rise in the flowmeter of the National Physical Laboratory, India (NPLI) orifice flow system and (ii) as a secondary standard for the calibration of the user gauges.