The nonintegrable higher spin Kitaev honeycomb model has an exact Z_{2} gauge structure, which exclusively identifies quantum spin liquid in the half-integer spin Kitaev model. But its constraints for the integer-spin Kitaev model are much limited, and even trivially gapped insulators cannot be excluded. The physical implications of exact Z_{2} gauge structure, especially Z_{2} fluxes, in integer-spin models remain largely unexplored. In this Letter, we theoretically show that a spin-S Yao-Lee model [a spin-orbital model with SU(2) spin-rotation symmetry] possesses a topologically nontrivial quantum spin-orbital liquid ground state for any spin (both integer and half-integer spin) by constructing exact deconfined fermionic Z_{2} gauge charges. We further show that the conserved Z_{2} flux can also demonstrate the intriguing spin fractionalization phenomena in the non-Abelian topological order phase of the spin-1 Yao-Lee model. Its deconfined Z_{2} vortex excitation carries fractionalized spin-1/2 quantum number in the low-energy subspace, which is also a non-Abelian anyon. Our exact manifestation of spin fractionalization in an integer-spin model is rather rare in previous studies, and is absent in the Kitaev honeycomb model.
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