The antiferromagnetic sawtooth chain is a prototypical example of a frustrated spin system with vertex-sharing triangles, giving rise to complex quantum states. Depending on the interaction parameters, this system has three phases, of which the gapless noncollinear phase (for strongly coupled basal spins and loosely attached apical spins) has received little theoretical attention so far. In this work, we comprehensively investigate the properties of the noncollinear phase using large-scale tensor network computations which exploit the full SU(2) symmetry of the underlying Heisenberg model. We study the ground state both for finite systems using the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) as well as for infinite chains via the variational uniform matrix-product state (VUMPS) formalism. Finite temperatures and correlation functions are tackled via imaginary or real time evolutions, which we implement using the time-dependent variational principle (TDVP). We find that the noncollinear phase is characterized by a low-momentum peak and a diffuse tail for the apex-apex correlations. Deep into the phase, the pattern sharpens into a peak indicating a 90∘ spiral. The apical spins are soft and highly susceptible to external perturbations; they give rise to a large number of gapless magnetic states that are polarized by weak fields and cause a long low-temperature tail in the specific heat. The dynamic spin-structure factor exhibits additive contributions from a two-spinon continuum (excitations of the basal chain) and a gapless peak at k=π/2 (excitations of the apical spins). Small temperatures excite the gapless states and smear the spectral weight of the k=π/2 peak out into a homogeneous flat-band structure. Our results are relevant, e.g., for the material atacamite Cu2Cl(OH)3 in high magnetic fields. Published by the American Physical Society 2025
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