We use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to deform single crystal spherical carbon nanoparticles (NP), 4–45 nm diameter, with a hard, flat indenter, compressing along the [001] direction. There is no clear amorphization nor phase change in the NP, but there is significant deformation, with bent crystalline planes, and many atoms that retain sp3 coordination, but are no longer recognized as having diamond structure by different structure-identification methods. Machine-learning is used to improve diamond-structure identification. The NP deforms laterally, and volumetric strain is ~0.1 when the uniaxial strain is ~0.5. Poisson's ratio increases with strain, and the elastic limit is reached at 0.2–0.3 strain, at a contact pressure of ~150 GPa. For NPs above 5 nm, dislocations appear and are mostly (1/2)<110>{111} full dislocations, with a few partial dislocations for larger nanoparticles, without twinning. These results agree with the recent observation of plastic deformation in diamond nanopillars. Small NP display elastic modulus, yield stress and hardness increasing with NP size, but NPs with diameter larger than 25 nm display an approximately constant dislocation and dislocation junction density, which leads to a plateau in the hardness versus NP size, at ~150 GPa, close to bulk diamond. Diamond nanoparticles could provide high strength thin coatings, lighter than full-density nanotwinned diamond but with nearly the same strength.
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