Evaluated spectroscopic data and level schemes from radioactive decay and nuclear reaction studies are presented for 213Hg, 213Tl, 213Pb, 213Bi, 213Po, 213At, 213Rn, 213Fr, 213Ra, 213Ac, 213Th, and 213Pa. This evaluation for A=213 supersedes the earlier one by the same evaluator, M. S. Basunia (2007Ba19), published in Nuclear Data Sheets 108, 633 (2007).One highlight of this evaluation is the following: In 213Po, from 208Pb(18O,Xγ) study 2011As05 proposed revision of spin-parity assignments for 293 level: 7/2+ instead of (11/2+); 440 level: 11/2+ instead of (7/2+); 868 level: 9/2+ instead of (13/2+). New experiments are needed.
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