This study explores the role of community policing as a security model in addressing key emerging security threats that impact individual safety and community stability. With the increasing complexity of these threats, which often cannot be effectively countered by traditional security measures alone, the importance of a proactive approach becomes evident. The study emphasizes the need for a deeper understanding of local community dynamics, cultural sensitivities, and the necessity of a tailored, community-centric approach to security. outlines the prerequisites for successfully implementing this model across diverse communities. Additionally, it investigates the extent to which community policing is effective against various types of emerging threats, taking into account the unique nature of each threat. The findings suggest that community policing can play a crucial role in safeguarding local communities from emerging threats, with its effectiveness varying depending on the nature of the threat and the specific context of each community. This approach has become essential in addressing the evolving nature of crime, which increasingly requires proactive and preventive interventions. The study recommends the establishment of a dedicated research unit to provide targeted recommendations for responding to different types of emerging threats, while also advocating for the adoption of a foresight approach and future studies to predict and prepare for potential security challenges. The development of early warning systems is also emphasized as a key aspect of this approach.
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