Hydrogen, as a high specific energy green carrier, is promising for power generation and transportation. This paper proposes a transactive energy cooperation framework for an end-user-oriented hydrogen-based community microgrid considering refueling preferences of hydrogen vehicles (HVs) and industrial hydrogen demand to minimize social cost. In this framework, an aggregator obtains stacking profits in both the electricity and hydrogen markets through flexible interconversion, storage, and interaction of electricity and hydrogen. For resident users, the refueling preferences of HVs are analyzed to reduce cost through demand response (DR). A novel energy density-weighted asymmetric Nash bargaining (DANB) method is designed to fairly assess the combined contribution, considering both electricity and hydrogen bargaining metrics for end-users. An alternating optimization procedure with the adaptive alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm is designed to solve the mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem in the social operation cost minimization process. Comparison results show the algorithm convergence advantage, the cost-effectiveness and scalability of the cooperation framework, as well as the rationality of the DANB and the flexibility of HVs in DR. Besides, the optimal configuration of the battery, the hydrogen tank, and the electrolyzer in the framework is explored, alongside the economic feasibility of electricity-hydrogen-electricity technology.
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