Advances in computer technology have made the construction of complex networks with many processors economically feasible. Because of the complexity of such networks, reliability has become a major concern. In some applications, it is critical that the system must be able to operate correctly despite the presence of certain faults. To achieve this fault-tolerance capability, some spare processors and interconnection links need to be added. In this case, when some of the basic components of the network fail, their tasks can be dynamically transferred to the spare components and the network can continue to operate. The three main criteria that it is desirable to minimize in a fault-tolerant design are the number of nodes (processors), the number of edges (links), and the maximum number of connections to a node. Minimizing these attributes is important in practice, as it is unlikely that unbounded increase in the number of nodes, edges, or connections per node would be acceptable in a real design. In this paper, we shall consider this optimization problem when the (nonredundant) network under consideration is organized as a star. We study all possible variations of the problem under the assumption that minimizing nodes has the highest priority.
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