THE CONTINUING WAR by James I. Robertson, Jr. The New York & Pennsylvania Co., Inc., recently distributed to leading Civil War historians an attractive and worthwhile—though sometimes inaccurate—bibliography of some 1,000 titles on the war in print and obtainable from publishers. For the benefit of students and book collectors, listed below under specific headings are some of the lesser-known but still available books that may be ordered from publishers , whose names are in parentheses after the titles. Owing to limited quantities of many of the books, interested persons should place their orders immediately. GATHERING CLOUDS: F. L. Olmstead, The Cotton Kingdom, ed. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (Knopf); Henry H. Simms, A Decade of Sectional Controversy ( North Carolina ); Roy F. Nichols, The Disruption ofAmerican Democracy ( Macmillan ); Vincent C. Hopkins, Dred Scott's Case (Fordham); Charles Francis Adams, Lee's Centennial, ed. D. S. Freeman (Americana House); Harold S. Schultz, Nationalism 6- Sectionalism in South Carolina, 1852-1860 ( Duke) ; Allan Nevins, Ordeal of the Union (Scribner); Harold R. Floan, The South in Northern Eyes (Texas). SLAVERY: George Fitzhugh, Cannibals All: Slaves without Masters, ed. C. Vann Woodward ( Harvard ); Bernard C. Steiner, History of Steuert / in Connecticut (Johns Hopkins); Orville W. Taylor, Negro Slavery in Arkansas (Duke); H. A. Trexler, Slavery in Missouri (Johns Hopkins ); Bell I. Wdey, Southern Negroes (Rinehart). THE WAR: N. W. Stephenson, Abraham Lincoln 6- the Union (Yale); Wdliam Wood, Captains of the Civil War (Yale); H. J. Heagney , Chaplain in Gray: Abram Ryan ( Kenedy ); Fred A. Shannon (ed. ), The Civil War Letters of Sergeant Onley Andrus (Illinois); Mary B. Chesnut, A Diary from Dixie, ed. Ben Ames Williams ( Houghton Mifflin ); George W. Adams, Doctors in Gray (Abelard ); George W. DaIzell , Flight from the Flag (North Carolina); Ella Lonn, Foreigners in the Union Army and Navy ( Louisiana State ); Arthur C. Cole, The Irrepressible Conflict ( Macmillan ); A. D. Kirwan ( ed. ), Johnny Green of the Orphan Brigade ( Kentucky); Kenneth P. Williams, Lincoln Finds a 327 328JAMES I. ROBERTSON, JR. General (5 vols., Macmillan ); William Howard Russell, My Diary North and South (Harper); William E. Connelley, Quantrill and the Border Wars (Pageant); Margaret Leech, Reveille in Washington (Harper); John G. Banett, Shermans March through the Carolinas (North Carolina ); George E. Turner, Victory Rode the Rails ( Bobbs-Menill); W. W. Blackford, War Years with Jeb Stuart ( Scribner ); William E. Woodward , Years of Madness ( Putnam ) . POLITICAL SCENE: E. Merton Coulter, The Confederate States of America, 1861-1865 (Louisiana State); George Lee Tatum, Disloyalty in the Confederacy (North Carolina); T. Harry Williams, Lincoln and the Radicals (Wisconsin); William B. Hesseltine, Lincoln and the War Governors (Knopf); Burton J. Hendrick, Lincoln s War Cabinet (Little, Brown) ; OUinger Crenshaw, The Sfove States in the Presidential Election of1860 (Johns Hopkins) . BIOGRAPHIES: Benjamin P. Thomas, Abraham Lincoln (Knopf); Lloyd Lewis, Captain Sain Grant ( Little, Brown ) ; Charles Lee Lewis, David Glasgow Farragut (2 vols., U.S. Naval Institute); Henry Kyd Douglas, J Rode with Stonewall (North Carolina); Robert D. Meade, Judah P. Benjamin ( Oxford ); T. Harry Williams, Lincoln and His Generals (Knopf); John A. Wyeth, That Devil Forrest (Harper); William B. Hesseltine, Ulysses S. Grant, Politician (Ungar). GENERAL: Richard C. Todd, Confederate Finance (Georgia); Ephraim D. Adams, Great Britain and the American Civil War (Peter Smith); James G. Randall, Lincoln and the South (Louisiana State); Thomas Weber, Northern Railroads in the Civil War ( Columbia ) ; Robert C. Black, The Railroads of the Confederacy ( North Carolina ) ; Bernard A. Weisberger, Reporters for the Union (Little, Brown); Carl Sandburg, Storm over the Land ( Harcourt). MUSIC AND POETRY: Richard Harwell, Confederate Music (North Carolina); Stephen Vincent Benêt, John Browns Body (Holt); Miles Mark Fisher, Negro Slave Songs in the United States (Cornell ) . PICTORIAL: Rossiter Johnson, Campaigns and Battlefields of the Civil War (Blue & Gray); Benjamin LaBree (ed.), The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War (Pageant); David Donald et al. (eds. ), Divided We Fought ( Macmillan ). In addition to those works cited in previous columns, four new books will be released between now and December. One that will draw much comment and no small praise is A Diary of Battle, to be published next month by Harcourt, Brace & World. This detailed diary was written by General Charles S. Wainwright, an artillery officer in the Army...
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