Objectives The purpose of this study was to understand the importance of the Bio-healthcare Digital Living Lab for solving community problems and to suggest policy improvement so that it can be utilized based on the speci-alized fields of university. Methods From September 1 to October 10, 2022, the survey was conducted on 150 students enrolled in bio-healthcare courses at universities in the Jeonbuk region, as well as faculty and community industrial company related Bio-healthcare department. The collected data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistic ver. 22.0 stat-istical program. Frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, χ-square, independent t-test, and 1-way ANOVA were performed to analyze the data. Results The study showed satisfaction with the community living environment at 3.68 out of 5. By gender, it was higher in men(3.77±0.90) than in women(3.62±0.85), and by age, it was highest in people in their 20s(3.86±0.80), and satisfaction tended to decrease as age increased. Among local issues, ‘culture/leisure’ was recognized as the most important in terms of quality of life(28.2%) and an area in urgent need of improvement(27.6%), and the area expected to have the greatest ripple effect if improved was ‘jobs/start-up’(33.9%). In addition, there was a stat-istical difference in areas requiring urgent improvement and areas with large ripple effects depending on age and status(p<.05). They recognized that the bio-healthcare field would play an important role in resolving local is-sues(52.7%), and that local residents‘ participation was necessary in promoting it(70.4%), but the highest re-sponse was that they would consider their participation depending on the nature and direction of the project (48.8%). And, teenagers showed statistically significantly lowest scores in terms of possibility of solving local is-sues, possibility of improving quality of life, need for resident participation, and willingness to participate (p<.05). Conclusions In process of promoting a digital living lab in the bio-healthcare, an accurate preliminary analysis of the needs of local community residents regarding its nature and direction is necessary. And, in promoting a digital living lab that solves community problems, universities must play a role in building a digital living lab infrastructure specialized in the bio-healthcare field while experimenting with technology, products, and services through com-munity linkage. Lastly, for the expansion and sustainability of community bio-healthcare living labs, it is necessary to plan a living lab platform that considers both the community's needs and the university's specialized fields, and it is need to develop into an infrastructure rather than a project type.
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