One of the conceptions of the deformation rupture of plastic bodies is based on the representation of the instability of the deformation process because of spoilage of the balance between the growth rates of the stress state of the specimen and of material hardening (see e.g., [1]). It permits the satisfactory explanation of the presence of a maximal load in the majority of tests by testing the strength under comparatively slow (quasistatic) loading rates when dissipative heating of the substance because of plastic deformation can be neglected. The deformation conditions approach the adiabatic in high-speed (dynamic) tests, hence, the case can be mentioned when the temperature of the specimen under load can be raised considerably and reaches the melting point at individual sections (principally on the slip planes). If it is taken into account that heating of the materiaI is ordinarily accompanied by a substantial increase in its plasticity, then the deduction is easiIy made that a state when the carrying capacity of the specimen becomes spontaneously diminished (its rupture sets in) can be achieved under sufficiently rapid loading conditions. In contrast to the deformational type, the rupture mechanism considered can be called thermal. However, such a classification is provisional since specimen rupture ordinarily takes place in practice because of loss of deformation stability in both the mentioned mechanisms. It should be noted that the thermal strain instability considered for the plastic material recalls, in many ways, the phenomenon of the loss of thermal stability of viscous fluid pressure flow [2] or of viscoplastic medium [3]. The question posed is related to the problem of the response of solid explosives (HE) to mechanical effects. It is known [4, 5] that the strength rupture of a HE charge by impact is the reason for its initiation under definite conditions. Briefly, the following are these conditions: the stress state in the deformable specimen should satisfy the rupture condition (strength), the pressure at the time of rupture should be so great that the melting point of the HE would reach the value of the critical temperature (resulting in an explosion). The physical meaning of the initiation mechanism of a solid HE is the development of heating loci because of dissipative heat liberation on the charge rupture planes [4-6]. In this paper, we present an approximate solution of the axisymmetric problem of thermal stability of the deformation of a thin plastic layer in the gap between solid colliding surfaces. The results obtained are used for a quantitative estimate of the magnitudes of the critical pressures exciting the explosion of solid HE under impact. Let us assume that a deformable material is chemically inert and that the dissipatable heating is distributed uniformly over its volume, where the temperature of the interlayer depends only on the magnitude of its axial deformation. To determine the stress state of the interlayer, we use the results of solving the axisymmetric problem of the deformation of a thin disc of incompressible rigidly plastic material placed in the gap between shifting rough stamps. Under conditions of developed plastic flow the pattern of the stress state of the disc is almost hydrostatic [7]. For the case of inertialess motion, the magnitude of the axial stress p averaged over the area of the disc is evaluated by the formula p = ~(Fx + l),
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