It is known that power lines outages often occur during thunderstorms. Here are the results of comparing of power lines outages in Yakutia from 2012 to 2018 with the database of Forbush-Storm events. This database contains information on geomagnetic storms and Forbush-decreases of cosmic rays from 1996 to 2018. There are 3 classes of the events: if these two ground-based manifestations of solar wind disturbances occur simultaneously (Forbush with Storm, F+S) or separately (Forbush without Storm, F-S and Storm without Forbush, S-F). For 7 years in the summer time, 73 power lines outages associated with thunderstorms were recorded. It is shown that in 56 cases these outages occurred simultaneously with (F-S) class, 16 – with (F+S) class, and only in 1 case lightning outages were not associated with Forbush-Storm events (-F-S). In 19 cases of (S-F) class, not a single lightning outage was recorded. This means that lightning outages on power lines are mainly associated with decreases in the cosmic rays intensity, and during geomagnetic storms, power transmission disruptions occur when storms are simultaneous with Forbush-decreases of cosmic rays. Apparently, this indicates the significance of the effect of cosmic rays on atmospheric electricity, and it is more significant than the effect of geomagnetic storms.
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