Aims: Any electronic device that delivers a collection of data, whether it be text referring to full text databases, electronic journals, photographs, other multimedia goods, or quantitative, visualizations, or time-based, is referred to as an electronic resource. These could be transmitted over the internet, tape, CD-ROM, tablets, smartphones, smart watches or another medium, these are now the basis of e-learning. Online searching has made it possible to get patent information more quickly, affordably, and conveniently than the traditional manual or CD-ROM based searching method. The ability to create and distribute documents in electronic form is now made possible by a number of established procedures and standards. So, in order to address the current problems, librarians are utilizing new media, particularly electronic resources, in their collection expansion makes the documentation of users better. As we can see, utilizing online resources is important in the modern world for a multitude of purposes. Because of this, it's important to understand the preferences, motives and usage of various ‘e- resources used by students who use online learning’. The aim of the present research paper was to examine the impact of e-resources using its usage and reading preferences. In this study, reasons such as time saving, more information, and busy schedule at college are considered. Methodology: Primary data was gathered from 250 students from Mumbai and Navi Mumbai who are using e-resources through the pre-structured questionnaire. The responses collected were recorded using the SPSS software for data analysis. In order to examine the link between causes, preferences, and the use of ‘e-resources’, a theoretical construct was developed grounded on a few assumptions. Statistical techniques like the chi-square test were used and data analysis was done using SPSS version 20 to examine the proposed construct. When doing the data analysis, the demographic profile, objectives, and hypothesis were all taken into consideration. Result: The average for each component that is time saving, more informative, and busy schedule at college was computed and was determined as 0.004, 0.004, and 0.000, correspondingly, for time saving, more informative content, and busy college schedule. As all of these values for all of the preferences under consideration are less than 0.05, it is clear that there is a connection between the usage of electronic resources and their underlying reasons and preferences. Conclusion: Hence, there is a substantial correlation between the reasons for using electronic resources and the different reading preferences, as well as between the two. Only three reasons namely time saving, more informative, and busy schedule at college are considered during this study. Data collection is done from Mumbai and Navi Mumbai region only.
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