SUMMARY The spontaneous motility of the intact uterus of spayed oestrogenized rabbits under sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia has been recorded. Both uteri of each animal behaved similarly, and contractions often appeared to be synchronous. Small changes of load affected the amplitude of contractions, but did not alter uterine responsiveness to neurohypophysial or adrenomedullary hormones. Mid-thoracic section of the spinal cord obliterated spontaneous motility of the uterus; spinal anaesthesia did not. Spontaneous motility persisted for as long as 7 hr after decerebration and removal of the pituitary gland. The threshold dose of oxytocin for activating the oestrogenized uterus was the same as that for the lactating mammary gland, i.e. 1–5 mu. Doses up to 50 mu. usually gave an increase in frequency and amplitude of contractions. In the same dose range vasopressin either had little effect or inhibited spontaneous uterine motility, although milk ejection was stimulated. Slow infusion of oxytocin at rates of 1·5–48 mu./min produced graded increases in the rate and depth of uterine contractions and, at the same time, in similarly treated, lactating animals, rhythmic milk-ejection responses which at the higher rates of infusion merged to give a tetanic (plateau) type of milk ejection. Adrenaline or noradrenaline in doses of 1–5 μg produced diphasic uterine responses, initial contractions being followed by inhibition of spontaneous motility. They also inhibited the uterine, as well as the milk-ejection response to oxytocin injected 10–30 sec later. The inhibitory effect of adrenaline on both organs was about twice that of noradrenaline. The above-mentioned responses to adrenaline and oxytocin could also be elicited by electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus. Stimuli in the dorsal, lateral, perifornical and posterior hypothalamic areas produced effects equivalent to those of 1–5 μg adrenaline on both the uterus and mammary gland. These responses were abolished by mid-thoracic section of the spinal cord or by spinal anaesthesia. In such preparations responses typical of those produced by oxytocin were seen in both organs after stimulation of the paraventricular nuclei, supraoptic nuclei and the hypothalamo-hypophysial nerve pathways of the tuber cinereum and neural stalk. Dilatation of the vagina (or rectum) gave rise to a uterine response similar to that resulting from adrenaline or noradrenaline. The response was abolished by spinal anaesthesia, but not by mid-thoracic spinal section or decerebration. The same stimuli also produced 'bearing down' contractions of the abdominal muscles. Contractions of the uterus could also be elicited by mechanical stimuli, in the absence of functional spinal connexions.
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