Chromian aegirine – aegirine-augite, phengite and allanite occur in blueschists, which are interbedded with serpentinite conglomerates, in the Ise area of the Sanbagawa belt, central Japan. Aggregates of chromian phengite±sodic pyroxene are scattered in the blueschists, and often include detrital chromian spinel. Sodic pyroxene in the aggregate shows solid solution between aegirine and kosmochlor components with a maximum 12.8 wt.% Cr2O3 (kosmochlor component = 38 mol%). Sodic pyroxene also occurs as individual crystal in the matrix, and has lower Cr2O3 (up to 0.7 wt.%). Phengite has a maximum 17.8 wt.% Cr2O3 showing a substitution of Cr for Al in octahedral sites. Allanite occurs in an aggregate of chromian phengite, sodic pyroxene and detrital chromian spinel, and contains up to 7.5 wt.% Cr2O3. Chromium in sodic pyroxene, phengite and allanite is derived from detrital chromian spinel. Distinct difference in Cr2O3 content between sodic pyroxenes in the aggregate and matrix suggests limited diffusion of Cr during the recrystallization.
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