Aim. The purpose of this study is the ecological-geographical analysis of the change in the hydrochemical composition of the river Ustya after it flows through the city of Rivne and the extent of anthropogenic transformation of the landscape mosaic of the coastal areas as a result of economic activity uncontrolled by various institutions and organizations by the population and enterprises of the city. The article was a continuation of a series of publications made together with students of the National Academy of Sciences, and is devoted to the study of the quality and composition of surface waters of the Rivne region as a result of the transformation of the components of the natural environment. Method. In the scientific work, the results of local research were analyzed in the performance of the assigned tasks, where general scientific and special methods were used: landscape ecology (geosystem), structural-functional and methods of standard processing of hydrological and hydrochemical information, hydrological calculations. In order to analyze the factors of transformation and formation of the quality of drinking water, the methods of statistical analysis, analogy, interpolation, zoning were used. The results. According to the results of the hydrochemical analysis based on the educational laboratory of the SSU "Rivne technical vocational college NUWM", the content of pollutants exceeds the normative values. For example, the iron content below the city of Rivne is 9.3 times higher than its content above the city. Sulfates in river water at a norm of 150 mg/l, above the city of Rivne - 260 mg/l, and below - 328 mg/l. It is also noted that river water is contaminated with ammonium nitrogen by a factor of 2. Water acidity exceeds the norm in the sample of Myrotyn village. In both samples, there is an excess of hardness and alkalinity indicators, which negatively affects the development of the ichthyofauna of the Ustya River. From the comparative analysis of river water, it is obvious that the content of polluting components is exceeded due to the crazy technogenic influence of the urban agglomeration. The scientific novelty consists of an ecological and geographical analysis of the influence of anthropogenic activities on the transformation of landscapes in the coastal zone of the Ustya River within the city of Rivne, the qualitative and quantitative composition and condition of representatives of flora and fauna, as well as the aquatic environment. The analysis was carried out as part of a research project to establish the ecological state of the Ustya River. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the educational process of SSU "Rivne technical professional college of NUWM", Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, National University of Water and Environmental Management, SSU "Kostopil construction and technological professional college of NUWM" and other educational institutions in teaching geographic, environmental, chemical, economic and local history disciplines. The results will find their application in the legislative and executive work of local self-government bodies when developing programs for socio-economic development of the territorial community of the city of Rivne. Research materials will contribute to the rational use of natural and anthropogenically transformed resources of the Rivne Region. A number of provisions can be used in similar studies of other regions of Ukraine.
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