The paper is devoted to the phenomenon of intra-regional sociocultural inequalities, which, being singled out by analogy with socioeconomic inequalities, nevertheless, have their own specifics. The aim of the study is to conceptualize intra-regional sociocultural inequalities, including understanding their nature, levels and ways of their smoothing. The paper reveals the dual nature of sociocultural inequalities, which, on the one hand, has a cultural component – the features of the cultural life of a region and local community, and on the other – a social nature, which indicates the integration of culture into the broader social context. The author emphasizes that the redressing of sociocultural inequalities does not mean the elimination of cultural diversity. On the contrary, it means its expansion, as well as an increase in the intensity and demand for cultural activities. At the same time, these activities, if possible, should be dispersed in space and presented at various levels: regional, intermunicipal, municipal, intramunicipal, intraorganizational ones. Managing the process of smoothing sociocultural inequalities means its putting into the context of the strategic planning. To assess the degree of sociocultural inequalities, the indicators should be related to both the cultural and social context. The first ones measure the intensity, diversity and satisfaction with cultural life whereas the last ones – average income of cultural workers, level of site improvement, and so on. The author concludes that the proposed approach to substantiating the nature of sociocultural inequalities and ways to smooth them is most consistent with the goal of improving people’s quality of life.
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