Finding a scientific production of the different areas of knowledge, inserting citations in text and formatting as bibliographic references according to the norms of dissemination can become difficult for beginners in the research. Thus, an extension action developed at the Federal University of Rondonia (UNIR) - Campus de Vilhena was designed to discuss these issues, such as Applied Social Sciences (Accounting Sciences, Administration, etc.) and External Community, a vision of the construction process of Scientific articles, from a consultation to databases and management of references until the publication of works. An action lasting 10 hours and developed in August 2013, is divided into three stages: i) installation of a free reference manager (EndNote Web), search of articles in national and international databases and reference management (Exporting and archiving of PDFs); ii) use of the manager as a formatter of bibliographic references in word processors (Word, open office etc.); And finally, iii) discussion of article structures accepted by the scientific community.
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