EthosVolume 1, Issue 2 p. 239-262 Free Access Sociocultural Change and Psychiatric Disorder Among Rural Yorubas in Nigeria Jane M. Murphy, Jane M. Murphy Jane Murphyis an Associate Professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University.Search for more papers by this author Jane M. Murphy, Jane M. Murphy Jane Murphyis an Associate Professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard University.Search for more papers by this author First published: Summer 1973 15 AboutPDF ToolsExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. 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