This text comes from reflections that took place in the Graduate Program in Educational and Social Intervention (PPGIES), UNEB DEDC Campus XI, Serrinha, Bahia, in the context of the umbrella project "Theoretical-political dimension of educational practices in the Territory of Sisal-Ba: social movements, Geography and teaching". It also articulates discussions held by PPGIES students, in the discipline Geographic Education and Learning, of the Graduate Program in Geography at FFP/UERJ. It presents some reflections on educational reforms in the context of the teaching of geography. In view of this, it intends to analyze the changes imposed by the neoliberal educational reforms, especially with regard to the fragmentation of the Geography discipline, removing contents that promote the critical formation of students. This is a study with a qualitative research approach, which has a bibliographic base, with analysis oriented to the movement of dialectics and totality. The theoretical discussion dialogues with the works of Santos (2008), Frigotto (2001), Saviani (2014), among others, to reflect on the social relations of production in capitalist society and the unfolding of such relations in education and, particularly, in the teaching of geography in Brazil, having in the context of neoliberal educational reforms, the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) as a driving force for the control of knowledge of geography in public schools in Brazil.
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