Several exonucleases, such as the exoribonuclease from Ehrlich asciltes tumor cells,1 Escherichia coli ribonuclease II,2 and bacterial polynucleotide phosphorylase,3 4 have recently been showrn to remain complexed with an individual polyriucleotide molecule while the enzyme continuously and almost completely degrades the polymer to mononucleotides. The behavior of these exonucleases is in marked conitrast to that of the exonuclease from snake venom2' I and exonuclease I from E. coli.5 Wheni snake venom exonuclease hydrolyzes polynucleotides, the enzyme-substrate complex dissociates into separate entities between successive hydrolytic steps, and the next phosphodiester bond hydrolyzed comes from a polynucleotide molecule taken at random from the molecules in the vicinity of the enzyme. However, when Ehrlich ascites tumor cell exoribonuclease, E. coli ribonuclease II, and bacterial polynucleotide phosphorylase degrade polynucleotides, the polynucleotide apparently does not dissociate from the enzyme after cleavage of the terminal mononucleotide, but rather the enzyme and shortened polyniucleotide move relative to each other so as to bring the next phosphodiester bond into position for cleavage. By means of such processiont, ail entire polynucleotide molecule may be degraded without ever leaving the surface of the enzyme. The presumption of a processive step implies that after a hydrolytic step, the enzyme and shortened polynucleotide are still held together by one or more bonds. We wish to point out that the processes of dissociatioin and processioni of the polynucleotide should not be considered as mutually exclusive; after the first cleavage step, there will in general be a probability for dissociatiorn and a probability for procession, the values for which are related to the rate constanits for the two processes. We would like to present, a formal kinetic model of exonucleolytic action that itteludes both classes of exonucleases as special cases for limiting values of the Uvilctic constants. This model has beeni used to design kitnetic experimeiits wvith tih exoriboiiuclease from Ehr lich ascites tumor cells. The data yield iriforilatioul about: (1) the number of bonids between the enzyme and the polyinucleotide beinig degraded; (2) the energetic contribution of each bond; and (3) the freeenergy drop causinig procession of the polynucleotide on the enzyme, which in turn allows this particular enzyme to degrade a polynucleotide in a continuous mannier. Although the kinetic model is applicable to both random and continuous exonucleolytic degradation, it will be presented and illustrated (Fig. 1) with emphasis on the special case of continuous degradationi: The enzyme is assumed to bind a substrate, such as polyadenylic acid (Poly A), of chain length n (step 1, Fiig. 1). The binding is assumiied to be between rn filled binditig places on the enzyme and m places on the polymer. The chain length, n, of the polymer is greater than the number of binding places, rn. The hydrolysis of the terminal
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