Over the past three decades, it has been shown that discrete and continuous media can support topologically nontrivial waves. Recently, it was shown that the same is true of the vacuum, in particular, right (R) and left (L) circularly polarized photons are topologically nontrivial. Here, we study the topology of another class of massless particles, namely gravitons. We show that the collection of all gravitons forms a topologically trivial vector bundle over the lightcone, allowing us to construct a globally smooth basis for gravitons. The graviton bundle also has a natural geometric splitting into two topologically nontrivial subbundles, consisting of the R and L gravitons. The R and L gravitons are unitary irreducible bundle representations of the Poincaré group, and are thus elementary particles; their topology is characterized by the Chern numbers ∓4. This nontrivial topology obstructs the splitting of graviton angular momentum into spin and orbital angular momentum.
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