The model of a vacuum tube power amplifier described here is very simple and, seemingly, very obvious. Yet the author has found it to be very effective in making clear some of the funadamental characteristics of the amplifier. A small rodent trap A is mounted on a stout board above a larger trap. A string passing through eyelets is fastened between the spring of the small trap to the trigger of the larger trap B. The spring of the latter trap is connected by a stout cord to a five-kilogram weight W resting on the edge of some near-by chair. The operation consists in setting both traps. A small weight w attached to a string is allowed to rest on the trigger of trap A, thus releasing the spring. The movement of this spring is transferred by means of the string to the trigger of the larger trap B. The heavy spring, upon being released, drags the fivekilogram weight from the chair. It falls to the floor. Basically, the model shows how a small impulse or signal voltage w, applied to the grid of the input tube, may release or control a large amount of energy in the output of a power tube W. The trigger of each trap is the grid of the tube, while the energy in the plate circuit is represented by the energy in the spring. The output of the first trap must excite the input or trigger of the second stage or larger trap. To do this the following points are in evidence: (1) There is a minimum grid voltage input to an amplifier that will cause it to function as such. Thus, w can be made so small that trap A is not sprung. The first trigger, if too sensitive, would be released by the vibrations of footsteps approaching it. In an amplifier, the sensitivity must be no less than several microvolts. Otherwise, the shot effect and thermal effects would produce a background of noise. (2) The coupling between the stages is represented by the string S. Thus, the slack in S can be so great that trap B is unaffected or only partially affected so that the spring of the second trap is not released. (3) In a power amplifier, the first tubes need only be, essentially, voltage amplifying tubes which are to provide the large grid swing in the power tube. This large grid swing causes energy to be dissipated in the load. Here, the first trap is a light trap to provide a large swing to the second larger trap. Since the large trap is really quite sensitive, requiring a very small displacement of the trigger to release the spring, the trigger here has been loaded to make it more analagous to the amplifier.
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