Fairness among supply chain actors is imperative for long term and effective inter-organizational relationships. Due to operational issues within a fresh produce supply chain involving many small and medium players, the coordination and communication will be inefficient. This results in perceptions of unfair behaviour and results in strained supply chain relationships within a food supply chain. The paper proposes the implementation of the MOVIE (Model, Operations, View, Intelligence and Events) model to instigate distributive, procedural and interactive fairness perceptions along the entire supply chain. By communicating on a real-time basis and accounting for user specific access levels, the proposed cloud-based IT system will provide better access to information pertaining to the products, whilst it is being processed by different elements within the supply chain. Through accurate and timely communication of this information, the information that was traditionally communicated only to the bigger and more powerful supply chain actors will be available to every supply chain actor irrespective of size or purchasing power. Though Enterprise Resource Planning systems are plentiful, this has not percolated the food supply chain sector, and the proposed system accounts for such a lack within the food supply chain management context. The implementation of the proposed system will not only improve storage and marketing of easily perishable fruits and vegetables but also effectively improve perception of fairness along the fresh food supply chain, thus contributing to effective supply chain relationships.
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