Bacterial pathogens have a strategy for survival that requires multiplication on or within a living host. The usual outcome of this microbial-host interplay is a subclinical infection in which both parties are the better for their interaction. That is, the microorganism grows to the extent sufficient either to colonize successfully the host or to be transmitted to another susceptible host. In turn, the host typically becomes resistant to subsequent serious infection or disease. The attributes of a successful pathogen (Finlay and Falkow, 1989) are an ability to carry out the following functions: first, gain entry into a host, most often a preferred host species; second, find a unique niche within the host; third, evade, circumvent, or exploit the host’s innate defense mechanisms; fourth, multiply; and finally, exit the host in a manner designed to maximize the likelihood of transmission to a new susceptible host. In some cases, this means that the microorganism must possess the genetic apparatus to survive in an external environment before it contacts a new host. For long-term carriage within the host, the successful pathogen also must be able to cope with the host’s adaptive immune system. Disease is not a necessary consequence of bacterial infection, although in some cases the overt symptoms that accompany microbial growth, such as coughing, sneezing, and diarrhea, are those that help ensure subsequent transmission. Death of the host is an inadvertent consequence of the successful pathogen’s strategy. In many ways pathogens have responded to their environment in a more sophisticated way than humans who, as predators, kill their food by intent. The attachment of the microorganism to the eukaryotic cell surface is one common tactic microorganisms use to prevail within their preferred host (reviewed in Moulder, 1985; Finlay and Falkow, 1989). The majority of bacterial pathogens remain localized on the extracellular host surface after attachment. Attachment is frequently mediated by organelles, usually bacterial pili, that interact with a particular host target molecule, typically a carbohydrate moiety. A smaller number of bacteria are internalized after binding to the host cell surface. It is this property, sometimes called microbial invasion (Moulder, 1985), that is the focus of this review. Invasion is most easily studied in the laboratory by mea suring bacterialentryintocultured mammalian cells. While one can employ direct microscopy, the most common technique to quantitate microbial invasion takes advantage of the fact that intracellular bacteria survive exposure to aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, whereas extracellular bacteria are killed. The genetic and molecular basis of the entry process has been studied for several groups of gram-negative enteric bacteria (Finlay M inireview
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