Heavy fermion superconductors, recently found in compounds with I-electrons (such as CeCu2Si2 and UBed, have attracted much attention.i)-6) One of the recent· issues is concerning the type of Cooper pairing; singlet (even parity) or triplet (odd parity) type? Although a nature of heavy fermion itself has not been completely clarified from a theoretical point of view, it is likely from experimental evidences that heavy fermions behave as a fermi liquid with very small Fermi energy of order TK. There was an attempt to explain, along this line, heavy fermion superconductors within the singlet BCS scheme.1l Since the motion of heavy fermion is slower than those of light-electrons and ions, the Coulomb interaction between heavy fermions is screened instantaneously by rapid motions of the latter; so that the interaction potential in k-space between heavy fermions is given by Vk=4Ke 2 /k €(k, 0»0, where €(k, 0) is the static dielectric constant. The reason why the triplet case is considered to be a likely possibility seems to be that Vk is positive for the whole regions of k-space. Indeed, several theorists have recently claimed that the triplet pairing is the most likely possibility.S),9) However, the present authors recently pointed out that s-wave pairing is still possible owing to the spatial correlations among particles, at least in principle, even if Vk is always positive. IO) The experimental results concerning the above issues are also very controversiaL For CeCu2Si., Assmus et aL 5) claimed that the Landau parameter Foa is positive which is in favour of singlet pairing_ On the other hand, Ott et aL6) recently showed that the low temperature specific heat of UBel3 exhibits T 3-dependence, which is in favour of the p-wave superconductivity of ABM-type. Moreover, Kitaoka et aL ll) recently found an unusual nuclear relaxation for CeCu2Si2 which cannot be understood by neither s-wave scheme of simple BCS-type nor p-wave scheme of ABMtype. The purpose of this paper is to point out that a singlet-pairing with nearly gapless excitations is possible for a model in which the interaction between fermions on the same site is strongly repulsive while that on the neighbour sites is appropriately attractive, and that consequences of this model are consistent with existing experiments of heavy fermion superconductors. In particular, a puzzling behavior of nuclear relaxation of CeCu2Si. found by Kitaoka et aL ll) is qualitatively explained by this model. On the basis of a quasi-particle theory of Kondo lattice,10).12) we simulate a heavy fermion system as a half-filled band of fermions with a Hamiltonian
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