Indonesian shortfin eel, Anguilla bicolor (McClelland, 1844) is one of fish that have swim bladder to assist swim and doing migration. Every fish has different shape, gas volume, dimension, and length ratio of swim bladder, which can play role in the difference in backscattering of acoustic energy. This study aims to determine the shape, dimensions and ratio of Anguilla bicolor’s swim bladder and their effect on target strength (TS) values. The research was conducted in two places, in the Acoustic lab, Department of Marine Science and Technology, Bogor University and Laboratory of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Retrieving data using the EK-15, Frequency 200 KHz tool and also the X-ray photo. The results show the shape of the swim bladder of Anguilla bicolor is elongated and consists of 1 room which is generally called a closed swim bladder. Acoustic detection results show that fish with large swim bladder volumes have large TS values and conversely fish with small swim bladder volumes have a small TS value.
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