Cognitive radio improves spectrum efficiency and mitigates spectrum scarcity by allowing cognitive users to opportunistically access idle chunks of the spectrum owned by licensed users. In long-term spectrum leasing markets, secondary network operators make a decision about how much spectrum is optimal to fulfill their users’ data transmission requirements. We study this optimization problem in multiple channel scenarios. Under the constrains of expected user admission rate and quality of service, we model the secondary network into a dynamic data transportation system. In this system, the spectrum accesses of both primary users and secondary users are in accordance with stochastic processes, respectively. The main metrics of quality of service we are concerned with include user admission rate, average transmission delay and stability of the delay. To quantify the relationship between spectrum provisioning and quality of service, we propose an approximate analytical model. We use the model to estimate the lower and upper bounds of the optimal amount of the spectrum. The distance between the bounds is relatively narrow. In addition, we design a simple algorithm to compute the optimum by using the bounds. We conduct numerical simulations on a slotted multiple channel dynamic spectrum access network model. Simulation results demonstrate the preciseness of the proposed model. Our work sheds light on the design of game and auction based dynamic spectrum sharing mechanisms in cognitive radio networks.
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