To enable diffusion weighted imaging in prostate patients with metallic total hip replacements in clinically feasible scan times for prostate cancer screening, and avoid distortion and dropout artifacts present in the conventionally used Echo Planar Imaging (EPI). A reduced field of view (FOV) diffusion-prepared sequence that is robust to the B inhomogeneities produced by total hip replacements was achieved using high radiofrequency (RF) bandwidth pulses and manipulation for stimulated echo pathways. The reduced FOV along the A/P direction was obtained using slice-select gradient reversal, and the prepared magnetization was imaged with a three-dimensional RF-spoiled gradient echo readout. The sequence was validated in phantom experiments, in vivo in healthy volunteers with and without total hip replacements, and in vivo in patients undergoing a standard MRI prostate exam. The proposed sequence is robust to shading and distortion artifacts that are encountered by standard diffusion-weighted EPI in the presence of moderate off-resonance. Apparent diffusion coefficient estimates obtained by the proposed sequence were comparable to those obtained with diffusion-weighted EPI. Acquisition of distortionless diffusion weighted images of the prostate is feasible in patients with total hip replacements on conventional, whole-body 3T MRI, using a b-value of 800 and nominal resolution of 1.7 1.7 4 mm3 in scan times of 6 min.
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