
Accurate spatial alignment of MRI data acquired across multiple contrasts in the same subject is often crucial for data analysis and interpretation, but can be challenging in the presence of geometric distortions that differ between acquisitions. It is well known that single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) acquisitions suffer from distortion in the phase-encoding direction due to B0 field inhomogeneities arising from tissue magnetic susceptibility differences and other sources, however there can be distortion in other encoding directions as well in the presence of strong field inhomogeneities. High-resolution ultrahigh-field MRI typically uses low bandwidth in the slice-encoding direction to acquire thin slices and, when combined with the pronounced B0 inhomogeneities, is prone to an additional geometric distortion in the slice direction as well. Here we demonstrate the presence of this slice distortion in high-resolution 7T EPI acquired with a novel pulse sequence allowing for the reversal of the slice-encoding gradient polarity that enables the acquisition of pairs of images with equal magnitudes of distortion in the slice direction but with opposing polarities. We also show that the slice-direction distortion can be corrected using gradient reversal-based method applying the same software used for conventional corrections of phase-encoding direction distortion.

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