An alternative protein feed additive based on the biomass of black soldier fly larvae has been proposed to improve the quality of fox fur. The optimal form and dose of application have been established. The experiment used larvae of Hermetia illucens, aged 20–21 days, grown on food waste in the insectarium of the Kazan State Academy of Agricultural Medicine. Biomass of larvae was added to fox diets in dried and natural form. Drying of the larvae was carried out at a temperature of 80–80 °C. The experiment used young silver-black foxes in the conditions of the fur farm of CJSC Biryuli in the Vysokogorsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan, where groups were formed according to the principle of analogues. Foxes of group I received the main diet (minced meat) and served as a control; foxes of experimental groups II and IV received the dried mass of larvae in the amount of 1.0 and 3.0 % of the dry matter of the diet; foxes of experimental groups III and V received the weight of native larvae in the main diet in amounts of 2.0 and 7.0 % of the dry matter of the diet, respectively. The foxes were fed according to zootechnical standards (adopted for slaughter young animals and the main stock), in accordance with the need for nutrients in different biological periods. The animals were kept in the same type – in individual cages in sheds. The duration of use of Black Soldier fly larvae was 30 days – before the technological slaughter of foxes for fur. Morphometric indicators of internal organs were determined by dissecting foxes with further assessment of the mass and size of internal organs.
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