Baby massage is a touch therapy that is done by massaging the baby which aims to help accelerate the development of motor noenatus. The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of infant massage on motor development in infants aged 8-28 days in BPM Siti Rahmah Surabaya. The research method used pre experimental design with Static Group Comparison approach which was done by observation technique, using observation sheet, where the sample in the study was selected based on quota sampling with 20 respondents (10 control group respondents and 10 respondents of treatment group). Respondents in this study were 8-day-old babies either doing massage or not. Data analysis with Mann-Whitney statistical test using SPSS for Windows. The results showed that in the treatment group in general motor development in very good category, while in the control group of motor development in good category. The result of statistical test obtained (p = 0,044, where p <0,05) which means effectivity of infant massager significant to motor development in infant age 8-28 day. Baby massage can be done according to massage instructions for optimal motor development. Keywords: Baby Massage, Motor Development, Baby 8 - 28 days
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