NOTES AND COMMENTS The American Catholic Historical Association's Spring Meeting The University of St. Thomas, Houston, hosted the spring meeting of the American CathoUc Historical Association on March 22 and 23, 1996. The program committee consisted of Richard J. Schiefen, C.S.B. (Chair),Virginia Bernhard , Irving A. Kelter, and Joseph M. McFadden, aU of the University of St. Thomas, and L. T ElUs,University ofTexas atAustin (retired).Approximately one hundred and forty participated in the conference, including seventy-three who read papers or served as chairs and/or commentators at the various sessions. They represented fifty-one institutions. Many arrived a day early and attended on March 21 the B. K. Smith Lecture in History,an annual event at the University of St. Thomas. This year's lecturer was PhUip Gleason, Professor of History Ui the University of Notre Dame and past President of the American CathoUc Historical Association, who spoke on "Recovering the CathoUc Voice in American History." Four sessions convened on Friday, March 22, at 10:00 a.m. Bede Lackner served as chair and commentator for"Early Cistercians on the Church,"with papers byJohn R. Sommerfeldt,"Salnt Bernard of Clairvaux and Church Reform"; Paul Lockey, "Blessed Guerric of Igny on the Church"; and Daniel LaCorte, "Aetfed of Rievaulx on the Church." President Joseph McFadden of the University of St. Thomas chaired a session at which Kevin Dwyer, O.S.A., spoke on"Augustinian Bank FaUure in Lawrence, Massachusetts." The commentator was Samuel Thomas. A panel on "The Church and ChaUenge ofWar and Revolution" was chaired by Caroline CastUlo Crlrnm. Papers included"The Revolution in the Mexican Revolt:The Role ofthe CathoUc Church in the Mexican Revolution," by Christopher Ohan, and "Sisters of Mercy during the CivUWar," by Sister M. PauUnus Oakes, R.S.M. The audience served as commentator. MeUssa Hovsepian chaired a session on "Family and Gender Ui Modern American Church History." LesUe Liedel spoke on "Nineteenth-CenturyWomen ReUgious and the Tenure of Church Property Ui the Cleveland Diocese." Katiiryn A.Johnson's paper was entitled "'The old tyrant can't get away with it': Conflict between the FamUy Life Bureau and the Christian Family Movement, 1948-1962"; and a paper by Timothy D. UhI was entitled "Subservient Sisters:A Foucaultian Analysis of Historical Scholarship." Margaret Susan Thompson provided the commentary. FoUowing lunch there were sessions from 2:00 to 3:30 and 3:45 to 5:15. During the first period there were four sessions. "Adventures in Texas CathoUc Bi749 750NOTES AND COMMENTS ography" was chaired by James Talmadge Moore and included papers by FeUx D. Atfnárez,Jr.,"Carlos Eduardo Castañeda: Pre-eminent Cadiolic Historian"; Roy R. Barkley,"Biography and the CathoUc Handbook of Texas"; and Patrick Foley, "Jean-Marie OdUi, CM.: First Bishop of Galveston." Thomas J. Jodziewicz was commentator. A session on "Labor, LiberaUsm, and Rerum novarum.A Comparison of Papal Impact Ui Germany and Spam," was chaired by John C. GaUagher, CS.B., -who also served as commentator. Douglas Cremer spoke on "Working Class Integration and Rerum novarum: The CathoUc Workers' Movement In Germany, 1891-1907," and David Ortizjr., on "Defenders ofTradition or die Nation 's Moral Compass? The Catholic Press In Spam, 1885-1902."RichardJackson was chair for a session on "The Catholic Reformation," and Irving Kelter served as commentator. WiUiam Schrader read a paper on "The Triumph of ReformCathoUcism Ui the Cathedral Chapter of Osnabrück, 1585-1623"; Thomas Worcester, SJ., spoke on "Canadian 'Savages' and the CathoUc Reformation Ui France," and Martin V. Flemming on "Letters to the King: Fray Toribio de Motolin ía's Defense of the Franciscan Mission to New Spain, 1523-1555." The fourth session was "Communicatmg CathoUcism through the Mass Media." Kathleen L. RUey spoke on "Pioneer of the Electronic Gospel: Bishop Fulton Sheen as American CathoUc Apologist and Media Spokesman," and Anne Klejment read a paper entitled"CathoUc Unity and the Origins ofthe CathoUc Digest." Robin WUUamson and Thomas R. Greene served as chair and commentator respectively . There were three sessions during the second part of the afternoon. Steven AveUa served as chair and commentator for a session entitled "Workers for the Harvest Field: Developments Ui Depression Era American CathoUc...
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