We fabricated and calibrated a GAGG-SiPM based Compton camera which can provide directional information of radiation sources for gamma-ray astronomy. The proposed Compton camera consists of two layers of 8 × 8 GAGG scintillator detectors, directly read out by an 8 × 8 SiPM (MicroFC-60035) array. Each GAGG crystal in the scatterer layer measures 6 × 6 × 8 mm3 in 7.2 mm pitches, while that in the absorber layer measures 6 × 6 × 12 mm3 in 7.2 mm pitches. A reconstruction software running on multiple GPUs based on the list mode MLEM algorithm for the Compton camera has also been developed. Point source imaging studies demonstrated an angular resolution (Full width at half maximum, FWHM) of 13.5°, and a measured intrinsic efficiency of 0.85% when a137Cs point source is placed 52 mm away from the scatterer with a scatterer-to-absorber distance of 57 mm. The camera's capability to simultaneously image point sources of different energies was assessed by imaging two distinct point sources, 22Na and 137Cs. The phantom imaging study was carried out with a U-shaped tube injected with 18F solution to verify the imaging capability of the system.
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