In computer models, we studied instantaneous (time-varying) current-voltage relationships (iIVs) of populations of ion channels characteristic of the membrane of different type excitable cells, of which the responses to electrical stimuli essentially differ: giant squid axon (Hodgkin-Huxley model), cardiomyocyte, dendrites of CA3 hippocampal pyramidal neurons and Purkinje neurons of the cerebellum. The membrane potential was stepped from the rest level to a certain depolarization test level that was clamped for a certain time, and the total current was measured at different moments after the step onset. For each iIV zero-current points (potentials) were determined. A set of such points, which were situated on the limb of iIV positive slop and corresponded to the state of high membrane depolarization (excitation state, upstate) at different time moments, were used to characterize the dynamics of the excitation state in time. With these indicators the axon membrane was characterized by a single excitation state that rapidly occurred (0.25 ms) and was short-lasting (decayed from -45 to 40 mV during life-time of 5.5 ms). There were two such states of the membrane of cardiomyocyte. The first one was early, rapidly occurring and short-living (rapidly relaxing). It occurred shortly after the depolarization start and lasted for 14.5 ms. The second one was late, slowly rising and long-lasting (occurred with a 7.5-ms delay, increased from 11 to 46 mV in 39 ms and then relaxed lasting for 623 ms in total). The dendritic membrane ofCA3 neurons had one long-lasting excitation state that occurred shortly after the depolarization shift, first rapidly relaxed during 3 ms from initial 30 mV level to -10 mV and then slowly, in 80 ms, stabilized at the level of -20 mV. In the Purkinje neuron membrane two short-lasting and one very long-lasting excitation states were revealed. The first state of very high (>100 mV) depolarization relaxed to 4 mV in 0.8 ms. Shortly before its vanishing, at 0.7 ms, the second short-lasting state emerged, which relaxed in 1 ms from -22 mV to -48 mV. At 1.8 ms a new excitation state emerged, which after a transient relaxation stabilized at -29.65 mV starting from 88 ms. Thus, iIVs allowed disclosing a fine organization of the states of electrical excitation of the membrane and revealing, in populations of ion channels of different content, existence of different number of the mentioned states, which differ from each other in occurrence time and life-time.
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