A set of nonlinear simulations has been performed in order to study the nonlinear evolution of unstable global Alfvén eigenmodes in the National Spherical Torus Experiment-Upgrade (NSTX-U). Results of the single toroidal mode number, n, simulations are compared with a full nonlinear simulation (all toroidal harmonics included). In single-n simulations, the conservation of two integrals of motion of a particle in a cyclotron resonance with a monochromatic wave is demonstrated, resulting in a one-dimensional evolution of the particle distribution in (E,μ,pϕ) phase-space. Nonlinear simulations (both single-n and full nonlinear) show a significant redistribution of the resonant fast ions, especially in the pitch parameter. Thus, the changes in the resonant particle's parallel and perpendicular energies can be several times larger than the total particle energy change, with only a small fraction transferring into the excitation of the mode itself. This implies that even a relatively small amplitude mode can significantly modify the beam distribution in the resonant region. For the NSTX-U case considered, the single-n simulation results are close to full nonlinear simulation only for the most unstable mode, in which case the saturation amplitudes and changes in the fast ion distribution are comparable. In contrast, peak amplitudes of subdominant modes in all-n simulations are smaller by a factor of 3–10 compared to single-n runs due to the flattening of the beam ion distribution by the fastest growing mode.
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