Recurrent miscarriages (RM) generally refer to two or more consecutive pregnancy losses. The risk of miscarriages grows with its frequency of occurrences, so as the future obstetric complications or longer-term health problems for patients. Most previous researches sought to discover the etiology of RM by making comparisons between patients with RM and fertile women. Our study collected decidua tissues from patients with RM and single miscarriage (SM) for transcriptome sequencing analysis and aimed at identifying vital factors contributing to additional miscarriages after previous miscarriage. Between the RM and SM group, a total of 122 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were detected and pathways associated with cell adhesion and ECM remodeling were particularly enriched in the RM group, which indicated abnormally activated fibrogenesis process. Particularly, the enhancement of ITGB6, EGFLAM and COL3A1 in the RM group were validated by RT-qPCR. Our study discovered that fibrogenesis, which might be caused by intrauterine manipulation, could lead to recurrent miscarriages after a previous miscarriage. Therefore, we encourage higher attention to thorough prevention and prompt remedies towards fibrotic disorders related diseases.