
An important indicator of reproductive health is pregnancy failure, which has no decreasing trend worldwide [1-3]. Despite certain successes achieved in treatment and rehabilitation, the problem of pregnancy failure, especially in early gestation, is still urgent [4-6]. Thus, according to different authors, it ranges from 2 to 55%, reaching up to 80% in the first trimester. Statistically, 15 to 25% of all registered pregnancies are spontaneously miscarried, and 80% of pregnancies are terminated before 12 weeks of gestation. The incidence of spontaneous miscarriage remains consistently high, at 45-88.6% of early spontaneous miscarriages. Direct reproductive losses from non-pregnancy in Ukraine amount to 36-40 thousand unwanted children annually. It has been established that the state of reproductive health depends to a greater extent on the duration of pregnancy failure and the complex of rehabilitation measures [1-3]. When a pregnancy occurs within the first 6 months, after a previous miscarriage, a large number of repeated pregnancy losses have been noted. The rate of pregnancy loss after a single miscarriage is 13-17%, after two miscarriages 36-38%, and with recurrent miscarriage up to 45% [1-3]. After spontaneous abortion it is necessary to rehabilitate a woman's reproductive health regardless of the number of spontaneous miscarriages, taking into account all the causes and conditions that contribute to spontaneous pregnancy termination. The principles of the reproductive health rehabilitation program for women after spontaneous miscarriage include the earliest possible initiation of treatment and rehabilitation measures, the principle of an individual approach to rehabilitation measures for each patient [4-6]. The principle of dynamic control over the effectiveness of rehabilitation and therapeutic measures and the principle of continuity between inpatient, outpatient, and sanatoriumresort units of rehabilitation measures are important when using the methods and means of physical rehabilitation [4-7].

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