The rotatostereoradiographic device uses an x-ray tube coupled with an image intensifier rotating through a 180 degree arc in 2.25 seconds. The rapidly rotating x-ray tube allows 180 degree-arc angiograms to be obtained with a single injection of contrast medium. Subtracted fluoroscopic angiograms can be viewed immediately after injection of the contrast medium with digital recording. These three-dimensional images are displayed on side-by-side monitors stereoscopically. The mortality and morbidity of subarachnoid hemorrhage can only be greatly reduced by surgical treatment of unruptured aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations detected by a wide survey of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Such a wide survey would be possible utilizing intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography via the ascending aorta and this new three-dimensional radiodiagnostic method. A fluoroscopic device must be used to allow easier manipulation of the catheter from the axillary or brachial artery.
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