Event Abstract Back to Event Cellular contribution to vestibular signal processing - a modeling approach Christian Rossert1, 2*, Hans Straka3 and Stefan Glasauer1 1 Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Germany 2 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Institute for Clinical Neurosciences, Germany 3 Universite Paris Descartes, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Réseaux Sensorimoteurs, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France Computational modeling of the vestibulo-ocular circuitry is essential for understanding the sensory-motor transformation that generates spatially and dynamically appropriate compensatory eye movements during self-motion. Central vestibular neurons in the brainstem are responsible for the major computational step that transforms head acceleration-related sensory vestibular signals into extraocular motor commands that cause compensatory eye motion for gaze stabilization. In frog, second-order vestibular neurons (2°VN) separate into two functional subgroups (tonic - phasic neurons) that distinctly differ in their intrinsic membrane properties and discharge characteristics. While tonic 2°VN exhibit a continuous discharge in response to positive current steps, phasic 2°VN display a brief, high-frequency burst of spikes but no continuous discharge, corresponding to class 1 and class 3 excitability, respectively. Based on the dynamics of sinusoidally modulated changes of the membrane potential, tonic 2°VN show low-pass filter-like response properties, whereas phasic 2°VN have band-pass filter-like characteristics. Correlated with these cellular properties, tonic and phasic 2°VN exhibit pronounced differences in subthreshold response dynamics and discharge kinetics during synaptic activation of individual labyrinthine nerve branches with sinusoidally modulated trains of single electrical pulses. Physio-pharmacological analyses indicated that the two types of 2°VN are differentially embedded into local inhibitory circuits that reinforce the cellular properties of these neurons, respectively, thus indicating a co-adaptation of intrinsic membrane and emerging network properties in the two neuronal subtypes. The channel mechanisms responsible for the different discharge characteristics of the two neuronal subtypes were revealed by a frequency-domain analysis in the subthreshold domain: tonic 2°VN exhibit an increasing impedance with membrane depolarization which likely results from an activation of persistent sodium currents, while phasic 2°VN show a decreasing impedance and increasing resonance with membrane depolarization due to the activation of low-threshold, voltage-dependent ID-type potassium channels. These results also revealed the necessary channel mechanisms to generate spiking multi-compartment models. By extending these models with conductance-based synapses that simulate the corresponding activation and inhibition it was possible to reproduce the distinct firing behavior of the two neuronal subtypes during intracellular and synaptic activation, respectively. By modifying different components of the intrinsic cellular or the synaptic circuit properties it is now possible to determine the relative contributions of membrane and network properties for vestibular signal processing. Selective modifications of different neuronal circuit components or particular properties of ion channel conductances in the model allow making predictions of how eco-physiological or patho-physiological changes affect vestibular signal processing and how cellular and network mechanisms might compensate for induced alterations. Acknowledgements:Supported by Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (C.R.) and Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BCCN 01GQ0440). Conference: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 30 Sep - 2 Oct, 2009. Presentation Type: Poster Presentation Topic: Sensory processing Citation: Rossert C, Straka H and Glasauer S (2009). Cellular contribution to vestibular signal processing - a modeling approach. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.10.2009.14.157 Copyright: The abstracts in this collection have not been subject to any Frontiers peer review or checks, and are not endorsed by Frontiers. They are made available through the Frontiers publishing platform as a service to conference organizers and presenters. The copyright in the individual abstracts is owned by the author of each abstract or his/her employer unless otherwise stated. Each abstract, as well as the collection of abstracts, are published under a Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 (attribution) licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and may thus be reproduced, translated, adapted and be the subject of derivative works provided the authors and Frontiers are attributed. For Frontiers’ terms and conditions please see https://www.frontiersin.org/legal/terms-and-conditions. Received: 28 Aug 2009; Published Online: 28 Aug 2009. * Correspondence: Christian Rossert, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Munich, Germany, christian.a@roessert.de Login Required This action requires you to be registered with Frontiers and logged in. To register or login click here. Abstract Info Abstract The Authors in Frontiers Christian Rossert Hans Straka Stefan Glasauer Google Christian Rossert Hans Straka Stefan Glasauer Google Scholar Christian Rossert Hans Straka Stefan Glasauer PubMed Christian Rossert Hans Straka Stefan Glasauer Related Article in Frontiers Google Scholar PubMed Abstract Close Back to top Javascript is disabled. Please enable Javascript in your browser settings in order to see all the content on this page.
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