Summary1. Fecundity of a Dikerogammarus villosus population at Spitz was studied in the Austrian Danube during the 3‐year period 2002–2004. Ovigerous females were absent in October and November, and extremely scarce in December when the reproductive season started again slowly. From January to September pre‐copulatory pairs and egg‐carrying females were present. The reproductive cycle lasted for 9–10 months.2. Various pigmentation phenotypes of D. villosus have been described in the literature. However, no significant differences were found between the reproductive variables studied here and several colour morphs. Mating was size‐assortative; mean body length of males was about 1.3 times greater than that of their potential mates, and the wet weight was approximately twice as heavy.3. The relationship between the number of embryos per clutch and the wet weight of females was described by a 3‐parameter power equation. The population mean was 43 eggs with a range of five to 194 eggs. Eighty‐two specimens from 1359 D. villosus females had more than 100 eggs: the smallest of these females was 12 mm long (30 mg) wet weight, and the largest, which was 18 mm long (91 mg), had 194 eggs in embryonic development stage 4.4. Numbers of embryos in developmental stages 2 (early egg stage) and 7 (newly hatched neonates) differed significantly with body wet weight of ovigerous females (P < 0.05). For an average female in the range 10–12 mm (20–30 mg) the number of juveniles in the brood pouch was 74% of the number of stage 2 eggs. This value can be interpreted as the survival rate of eggs.5. The overall mean egg volume (EV, ±95% CL) of stage 2 eggs of D. villosus was 0.05 ± 0.001 mm3, and EV increased significantly at each stage of development. At stage 6, egg volume had increased by a factor of 2.6, and averaged 0.13 ± 0.001 mm3. In comparison, G. fossarum and G. roeseli had significantly larger eggs in all developmental stages.6. Mean egg size of D. villosus (0.063 mm3) was maximal in January. For D. villosus (and G. roeseli) the minimum mean egg size occurred in September. In contrast to G. fossarum and G. roeseli, a second peak in egg size was not observed for D. villosus, and egg size fell more or less successively from January to September.7. A simple index of fecundity was calculated from the number of stage 2 eggs divided by the female's wet weight. The highest values were observed in April and May, when females from the overwintering generation grew to their maximum body size. Thus the release of a large number of neonates corresponds with the availability of plentiful food and rising water temperatures for juvenile growth in the spring. The lowest value occurred in December. In June the small females of a summer generation appeared, with a naturally low fecundity.8. The relationship between brood development time and water temperature was studied in the laboratory at a series of constant temperatures. At 16 °C, mean brood development time was 14 days for D. villosus, compared with about 3 weeks for the indigenous species. At 10 °C, mean brood development time was 24 days in D. villosus, compared with 40 days in G. fossarum and 44 days in G. roeseli. At 4 °C it was 1.8 and 3.5 times longer in G. fossarum and G. roeseli.9. The number of offspring produced by a single clutch from a large female D. villosus is considerably higher than the total numbers produced by the indigenous freshwater gammarids, such as G. fossarum, G. roeseli and G. pulex, during their life‐spans of 1.5–2 years in seven to nine successive broods. Only one or two large ovigerous D. villosus would probably be enough to start a new population. A potentially high reproductive capacity, comparatively small eggs, optimal timing to release the maximum number of neonates per female in April/May, and a long reproductive cycle, together with rapid development of eggs, rapid growth to sexual maturation, short life span, tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions, and exceptional predatory capabilities, all give the invasive Ponto‐Caspian gammarid an opportunity to become globally distributed in freshwater ecosystems of the temperate climate zone.
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