The experimental and numerical studies presented here are on the thermal destruction behavior of cellulose and surrogate solid waste. An experimental study was conducted in a controlled mixing history reactor with plasma gas as the heating device. The effects of pyrolysis temperature, waste properties, residence time, and gaseous environment surrounding the waste have been examined. Gas-generation rate, chemical composition, and heating value of evolved gases as well as the solid residue remaining after the waste was exposed to prescribed environmentduringpyrolysishavealsobeen examined. Equilibrium thermochemical calculationswerecarriedout with STANJAN and SOLGASMIX computer codes to provide information on the thermal destruction behavior of samples of surrogate solid waste and its excursions at different temperatures. Calculated results show good trends with theexperimental data and can thereforebeused as a guideline to describe the experimentally observed results on the thermal destruction behavior of the wastes. The results show that the temperature and chemical composition surrounding the waste are important parameters for the pyrolysis process. These parameters affect destruction rate, solid residue remaining after pyrolysis, gas yield and its chemical properties, and pollutants and metals emission. The results also show a signie cant ine uence of waste properties and operational conditions on the wastedestruction characteristics andproductsformation.Celluloseand chosen surrogatewasteshowed signie cant differences in the thermal decomposition behavior and products formation. NVIRONMENTAL catastrophes resulting from improper treatment or disposal of different types of wastes have caused increased public awareness of the growing problem of waste generated in all sectors of public, industrial, and government. Waste minimizationand recycling canprovideonlyapartialsolutiontothe growing problem. The United States generates approximately 200 million tons of solid waste every year (» 4 lb/person/day ), and this amount is projected to increase at a rate of 1% annually. 1 Therefore stringent measures must be taken to provide a better and permanent solution to the problem. The thermal destruction of wastes can provide an increasingly important role in this area. This includes the applicationofthree fundamentalreacting processes:pyrolysis,gasie cation, and combustion. The existing destruction technologies that have been used include mass burn-type incineration, e uidized bed, rotary kiln, molten salt bed, low- or high-temperature oxygen/airenrichedsystems,andlow-orhigh-temperaturestarved-airsystems. More recently, electric heating, microwave, and plasma-assisted systems have also appeared. 2 Thermal destruction offers distinct advantages over the other methods as it provides maximum volume reduction, permanent disposal, and energy recovery, and the byproducts can be used in several ways, such as building material and roadbed construction. 3 For certain waste streams under certain conditions the byproduct material can be very hard. For example, the titanium and nitrates present in the waste material can form titanium nitrate at high temperatures, which is a very tough and strong material. This can be possible only with a controlled process so that the compound formed may be isolated fromthe other compoundsin the byproducts. Of all the permanent treatment technologies, thermal destruction provides the highest overall degree of destruction. In addition, it provides maximum volume and mass reduction and maximumenergy recovery and thebyproductscan benonleachable. The disposal of municipal solid wastes has traditionally been by means of lande lls (» 83% of the waste generated ) as the method is most convenient. Some of the gases released by this method, e.g., greenhouse gases, and volatile organic compounds are high and un
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