
Aseriesofstaticenginee ringswereconductedtoinvestigatethesolid-fuelregressionratebehaviorandoperating characteristicsofvortexhybridrocketengines.Thevortexhybridenginecone gurationischaracterizedbyacoaxial, coswirling, countere owing vortex combustion e eld in a cylindrical fuel port. To generate this e owe eld, oxidizer is injected through a swirl injector located between the aft end of the fuel grain and the inlet to the converging portion of the exit nozzle. Test e rings with thrusts up to 960 N were conducted with gaseous oxygen and hydroxylterminated polybutadiene solid fuel. Average fuel regression rates up to seven times larger than those in similar classical hybrids were measured. Empirical correlations were developed to describe accurately the experimental regression rates over more than an order of magnitude variation in mass e ux. In addition to local mass e ux and oxygeninjectionvelocity,geometricenginevariables,suchasenginecontractionratioand length-to-diameterratio, had a signie cant ine uence on the measured regression rates. Nondimensional regression rate and heat transfer correlations were also developed. Throttling and restart capability were demonstrated. Nomenclature A = cross-sectional area, cm 2 B = blowing parameter cp = isobaric specie c heat, J/kg ¢K D = port diameter, cm Ea = activation energy, kcal/mole G = local mass e ux, kg/m 2 ¢s Ginj = injection mass velocity, kg/m 2 ¢s GO = gaseous oxygen mass e ux, kg/m 2 ¢s

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