Dimensional reduction of the D = 2 minimal super-Yang–Mills to the D = 1 matrix quantum mechanics is shown to double the number of dynamical supersymmetries, from N = 1 to N = 2 . We analyze the most general supersymmetric deformations of the latter, in order to construct the noncritical 3D M -theory matrix model on generic supersymmetric backgrounds. It amounts to adding quadratic and linear potentials with arbitrary time-dependent coefficients, namely, a cosmological ‘constant’, Λ ( t ) , and an electric flux background, ρ ( t ) , respectively. The resulting matrix model enjoys, irrespective of Λ ( t ) and ρ ( t ) , two dynamical supersymmetries which further reveal three hidden so ( 1 , 2 ) symmetries. All together they form the supersymmetry algebra, osp ( 1 | 2 , R ) . Each so ( 1 , 2 ) multiplet in the Hilbert space visualizes a dynamics constrained on either Euclidean or Minkowskian dS 2 / AdS 2 space, depending on its Casimir. In particular, all the unitary multiplets have the Euclidean dS 2 / AdS 2 geometry. We conjecture that the matrix model provides holographic duals to the 2D superstring theories on various backgrounds having the spacetime signature Minkowskian if Λ ( t ) > 0 , or Euclidean if Λ ( t ) < 0 .
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