Equilibrium state space geometry is worked out for the exactly solved one-dimensional spin-3/2 lattice with a Blume–Emery–Griffiths (BEG) Hamiltonian as well as a more general one with a non-zero field coupled to the octopole moments. The phase behaviour of the spin-3/2 chain is revisited and novel observations of anomaly in the hyperscaling relation and in the decay of fluctuations are reported for the first time. Using the method of constrained fluctuations developed earlier in Sahay (2017); Sanwari and Sahay (2022) three appropriate state space sectional curvatures and a 3d curvature are shown to separately encode dipolar, quadrupolar and octopolar correlations both near and away from pseudo-criticality. In all observations of hyperscaling breakdown the 3d scalar curvature is found to encode the correlation length while the relevant sectional curvature equals the inverse of singular free energy. For parameter values where the order parameter fluctuation anomalously decays despite a divergence in its correlation length the relevant scalar curvature undergoes a sign change to positive values, signalling a possible change in the nature of the underlying statistical interactions.